Friday, September 18, 2009

Maya Angelou excerpt

"You're so consumed with how much you get, and you are filled with pain and regret. You say you're OPEN, but I just see HOPELESS. Cause the coffee is brewing. And you're so consumed with how much you come, and your eyes dart from getting LOVE to getting SOME, and I thought I LIKED you, but I see you TRICKED me. Because the fish is cooking. You say you're different, you think you're UNIQUE, but all I notice is how you're too scared to SPEAK, and it's quite unforgiving. Because you eat nothing but crap, darling. I like the way you assume you're CORRECT, because it mocks all forms of INTELLECT, and it's like watching a monkey dancing with no RESPECT. Because it's just like drinking. I'm a caged animal, I need to GO, and you are stationary, you will never KNOW. You want progress, but you don't want ADVICE, and if isn't someone you approve of, you aren't very NICE. Because you are not flowing."

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